Swiss Financial Advisory of its own Class
About Us
Trinity Wealth Advisory AG was formed in 1965 and was a regulated Asset Management Company, trading under the Name Trinity Wealth Management AG, between 2017 and the end of year 2022.
The current shareholders completed the acquisition of Trinity Wealth Management AG in 2019, aiming to continue expanding the business in Switzerland and worldwide, increasing the Assets under Advisory through their wide contact network all over the Globe.
From the beginning of 2023 and the full implemantation of the new Swiss Financial Legislation (FIDLEG), the current shareholders of Trinity decided to stay on the Investment Advisory versus the Investment Management side, as Trinity had already reached the magic "One Billion Euro" worth of Assets under Advisory in mandates with various clients.
Industry Spectrum
Trinity Wealth Advisory AG is an atypical independent Financial Advisory Company
whose registered Advisors are regulated in Switzerland.
Our Clients are mostly Providers of Financial Services and Issuer of Financial Products.
This is what we do for them:
- Advisory on Alternative Project Funding and Financing for Infrastructure-
and other major projects, working with top rated Lending Institutions
- Acting globally (worldwide) as a catalyst for Financial Institutions
- Creating exclusive trading and investment opportunities
- Providing access to most major bank trading desks and platforms
- Fund Advisory and Asset Management Advisory - for all asset classes
- Advising on and creating international Private Fund Structures
- Advising Semi- and Institutional Clients on strategic development
- Providing access to Issuing Platforms for “AMCs”, with Swiss ISIN
- Debt- and Equity structuring for Governments and Financial Institutions
- Advising on Issuing and Monetizing Financial Instruments
- Advising on structuring and management of Structured Products
- Acting as Solution Provider on complex banking and financial issues
Miljenko Kolar

President of the Board & CEO
Dr. Satbinder Singh

Member of the Board & CFO
Oliverio Machin

Director &
Head of Compliance
Kurt O. Ehrenberg

Head of International Business Development
Tarja Wilkund

Head of Advisory Team Finland
Gianfranco Faieta

Head of Advisory Team Italy